Palestinians protest Jews supporting Israel

Goldie Hawn made an appearance at the Scottish version of the JNF on Sunday, and the Palestinian Wah Squad was out in force.

Oh, and the Scots need to bone up on their American movie references.

GOLDIE Hawn, the Hollywood star, was met by pro-Palestinian activists as she visited an Israeli charity’s fundraising dinner in Glasgow last night.

The Academy Award-winning American actress, who is best known for her role in the hit movie Private Benjamin, was heckled by about 150 demonstrators who were beating drums and blaring horns as she arrived at the Hilton hotel.

Shyeah. In the friggin’ 80s. Now she’s best-known as Kate Hudson’s mom.

But really—don’t these morons have anything better to do than protest innocuous events like this? And oh—here’s what they were protesting.

The dinner was organised by the charity KKL Scotland, the Scottish equivalent of the England Jewish National Fund, with which it has close ties.

A KKL spokesman said: “The funds we raise will go to build a reservoir for all the people in the region regardless of their religion.

“We have got nothing whatever to do with the events taking place in Gaza.”

But hey, protest away. It got you noticed in two papers in Scotland, plus the BBC.

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One Response to Palestinians protest Jews supporting Israel

  1. What they *should* be announcing is:

    “We normally raise funds for projects for all people of the region, but seeing as one particular demographic has decided to shamelessly and foolishly protest this charity event and drive up our security costs, we will be taking those costs out of our budget earmarked for projects for the people they purport to represent.”

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