Israeli spokesman shows some juvenile scorn

At the moment, I want to marry Mark Regev. Look what he told the Washington Post:

[…] Hamas, the radical Islamic movement that controls Gaza, declared victory and held a celebratory rally in Gaza City. But Israel reported that it had achieved its goal of significantly weakening Hamas’s military capabilities. Since Wednesday, Israeli forces have been intensively targeting rocket-launching sites, weapons warehouses and Hamas military leaders.

I wish them many more such victories,” said Mark Regev, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. “I have no doubt that the incursion that ended today has succeeded in hurting the Hamas military machine. I also have no illusions that it’s over.”

Mark, I hereby dub you a Master of Juvenile Scorn™.

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2 Responses to Israeli spokesman shows some juvenile scorn

  1. Jack says:

    Regev is right. I only wish that we would see more such victory celebrations today. It is beyond time to pound them into utter submission.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Actually, they should target the “victory celebration” so that all those who attend would achieve their “goal” of meeting the 72 virgins.

    Of course, they will be astonished when they find that the virgins are supposed to wield the pitchforks that help them stay virgins upon meeting the murderers.

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