Apples and space shuttles

The following is one of the reasons that a friend of mine goes crazy at work on a daily basis. And by “goes crazy at work” I mean, “Is driven utterly bananas by many of the people she has to deal with.” The situation is changed to protect our privacy, but the gist of it is true.

Friend: I’d like an apple, please.
Vendor: No problem. Here’s a gardener who can plant apple trees, prune them, and grow them.
Friend: Sorry, I’m only budgeted for an apple. Please sell me an apple.
Vendor: Okay, how about this one? He sets up apple farms, educates your people on how to set up and cultivate apple farms and keep them green and growing for a long, long time.
Friend: NO! I need an apple! ONE apple!
Vendor: How about this guy? He ate an apple once.

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One Response to Apples and space shuttles

  1. Eric J says:

    Vendor: No,you need a bushel of pears.

    Vendor: If you wait six months, you can have a seedless apple.

    Boss: Did you ever get a quote for that Watermelon I asked you to order?

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