The AP acknowledges Israelis are civilians

Toldja they read my blog. The AP is finally admitting that Israeli casualties are civilian casualties. Of course, they still uncritically pass along the bullshit line that Palestinian deaths were at least half civilian. Yeah, right.

In all, 117 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the fighting erupted last Wednesday, according to militants and medical officials. Roughly half the dead were civilians, the officials said. One Israeli civilian was killed by a rocket, and two Israeli soldiers were killed in the Jebalya fighting.

The AP also says that the withdrawal is due to Condi Rice’s visit. But that’s not what the military is saying.

IDF officials did not rush to conclude the operation, hinting that it would be continued.

“It’s wrong to use statements of victories and occupation, but there is no doubt that the extent of casualties on the Palestinian side, among the terror organizations, is significant and sends a clear message,” a military source said.

Hamas is claiming victory. Uh-huh. Because they’re still firing Grads at Ashkelon.

The Hamas Islamists who control the coastal enclave declared “victory” and vowed to continue firing rockets into Israel, launching one into the main southern city of Ashkelon shortly after the troops withdrew. No one was hurt.

A senior Israeli government official said the conflict had entered a “two-day interval” for a visit by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

I say, give it a few more weeks. So does the IDF.

A senior military source told Ynet on Monday morning that “one operation had ended, but many more are on their way.”

Addressing the rockets fired at Ashkelon and the Gaza vicinity communities after the end of the operation, the source said, “One operation cannot bring about a change in the situation. However, there is no doubt that in a series of activities, while exerting patience, the terror organizations will suffer a heavy blow and this will also bring a change in the situation, in terms of Qassams as well.”

Exit question: How long before the IDF heads back in?

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One Response to The AP acknowledges Israelis are civilians

  1. russ says:

    How long before the IDF head back in? Hmmm… how long before Olmert feels more pressure from his supposed constituents than from Condoleeza?

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