Not even chicken soup will do

Hey, you know that part of a virus infection that feels like a head cold and makes you stuffy and achy in the sinuses before finally getting to the stage where the virus has successfully conquered you and now is reproducing, causing you to sneeze and spread it everywhere?

Yeah, that’s where I am.

And I have hours left of work to do today.

That’s okay. I haven’t been sleeping well. I expect to be up around 2 a.m., sleepless again, doing the work I couldn’t do while napping this afternoon.

Of course, the joke is on my virus. Living alone means I have no one else to give it to. Evolutionary dead end, sucker!

I’m going to boil my toothbrush tonight.

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6 Responses to Not even chicken soup will do

  1. Ugh. I hate those kinds of colds. Unfortunately, the best you can do is what your grandmother would’ve done – get plenty of rest and fluids and take an aspirin if you develop a fever.

    If you don’t already have some, I’ve found that “Breathe Right” strips work well. They’re spring-loaded adhesive bandages that physically keep your nose open. They’re not perfect, but they’ve allowed me to sleep when my nose is all stuffed up.

  2. John M. says:

    Buy yourself a case of gourmet chicken soup or something Meryl.

  3. Chris L. says:

    Just getting over one now, but I feel drained. That Vitamin C powder helped though.

  4. Maggie45 says:

    I’ve used Airborne, taking it as directed every 3 hours, with very good results. Actually I get the Airshield, Safeway’s brand…same ingredients exactly, and cheaper, and just as effective. Hope you feel better soon. Being sick really sucks.

  5. Jonny Gee says:

    Hi Meryl,

    I developed an awful sore throat and cough two days after visiting my doctor for my annual physical. I’ve been wondering if there is any connection. And you’re right – it’s a nasty foe, even of chicken soup.

    Get better.

    A long time fan and daily reader

  6. Dread Pirate Gryphon says:

    Git you a Sonicare toothbrush and them germs will explode from internal vibrations. Innyway, thass how we do it up yonder here in Brookland.

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