It’s been a week of a weekend

My weekend seems to have lasted a week.

The windstorms knocked out power to my apartment from about 2:30 yesterday afternoon to 3:30 this morning. I cooked and ate by candlelight.

I needed to get up early to drive to northern VA to work today. Problem is, I caught something from one of my students, and got very little sleep. Made it to work, but my head is fuzzy and I couldn’t remember that p comes before r, thus making it very difficult to find the pur directory on the network, among other things. I kept looking for it after the r sites.

Chicken soup and OTC cold meds haven’t quite done it. Gracie waking me up at 2:30 a.m. didn’t help. That’s probably why I was awake when the power came back on at 3:30. But I couldn’t sleep much between then and time to get up for work.

If this post makes no sense, it’s because my head is made out of cotton right now, I think. Very fuzzy. I’m going to let Janet drive my Jeep to her house. I’m staying overnight in NorVA. I will be sleeping much tonight, if I can.

I suppose all of this is explanation for not posting yesterday or today. I didn’t get my part of the podcast done, either. Or the laundry. Having no electricity really is a pain in the ass.

Well, at least my food didn’t get spoiled. I’d have to say the only positive thing about the event was not having to worry about Tig’s welfare during the power outage. Gracie wanted to know what the candle on the table was. She sniffed the glass container, determined it was hot, and ran like hell away from it.

My house smelled like vanilla during the blackout. It’s my favorite candle scent. Not “vanilla ice cream” or “vanilla cake” or those other weird scents you can get these days. Just vanilla.

Anyway. Break is over. I’ll try to get a post up tonight, but you may have to wait until tomorrow. Colds make me stupid.

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5 Responses to It’s been a week of a weekend

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Chicken soup, aka Jewish penicillin.

  2. John M. says:

    Yeah, drink plenty of water.

  3. plum says:

    Too much stress, I think. Have you tried zinc lozenges? Hope you feel better soon.

  4. I’m in a moving panic right now, which is why I haven’t yet offered my condolences about Tig. He will be very sorely missed. I look forward to your posting more Tig pics.

  5. Rahel says:

    Refuah shlemah, Meryl. Thinking of you from here.

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