No, really, where are the kassams?

Isn’t it interesting that when Hamas needs good world press—like after breaking down the wall between Egypt and Gaza—not a single kassam rocket or mortar shell has fallen on southern Israel?

And yet, the world insists that neither Hamas nor PA leaders can stop the terrorists from firing the rockets.

Huh. Go figure.

Update: Well, they’re back. Wonder what the occasion was.

Rocket alert sirens blasted through Sderot on Saturday evening after Palestinians launched four Qassam rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israel.

Two children suffering from shock and ear pain were evacuated to the Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon.

One of the rockets reportedly landed near a horse ranch on the city outskirts. The other Qassams landed in open areas in the western Negev. No damage was reported.

Palestinian terror groups have all but ceased the rocket attacks this past week. On Thursday two rockets were fired, landing near Ashkelon and Sderot. No injuries or damage were reported.

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One Response to No, really, where are the kassams?

  1. g says:

    …there were four today…

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