Tigger update: He’s not dead yet

One of the things that’s causing Tig’s quick downslide is that he’s not eating much. So the vet had me try him on a quarter-pill of pepcid. I managed to get one down him this morning. And I think it’s working. Because Tig just ate his dry food twice in the last hour. And he ate nearly all of the Sheba tuna (which had the phosphor-binding powder mixed in). He’s just been licking the gravy off it lately.

And he’s showing an interest in chasing that wadded-up napkin.

I think I’m going to have to hold off on the eulogy.

He’s eating!

For that, we get a mid-week cat picture.

Tig in the carrier

That was before the vet visit yesterday. I cleaned out the cat carrier and was airing it out. Tig, of course, had his own ideas of what “airing it out” consists of.

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11 Responses to Tigger update: He’s not dead yet

  1. Brenda says:

    Best of luck!! Here’s hoping for more quality time with Tigger.

    Ninja & Brenda

  2. Hugh says:

    He’s still a handsome cat! He even has a mischievous look in his eyes. :)

  3. A Steve says:

    Yay for eating tuna!

  4. Kat says:

    Three cheers for Tigger! And Pepcid. That stuff rocks.

  5. Rahel says:

    Great news! Please give Tig a hug for me.

  6. plum says:

    Good kitty!

  7. Kim says:

    Wonderful news! Keep up the good work, Tig (and Meryl).

  8. Herschel says:

    Take the 1/4 tablet, crush it between a layer of heavy plastic sheet until it is power like, then mix it with his favorite wet food. I do this every morning for my senior cat, he eats it with no concern for the “additive.”
    Good luck, and keep us posted.

  9. Herschel, great minds and all that… I have an antique mortar and pestle that I got after my uncle died. I used the pestle to crush a tablet and mixed it with Tig’s food.

    Unfortunately, he’s back to not eating again. It must have been the sub-q fluids that made him feel better. I don’t know how I can give him fluids every day. I can’t afford to keep bringing him to the vet, I live alone, and it’s really hard to keep him on the table while the water drips into him. He hates that feeling.

    He’s dying, slowly, before my eyes. It really sucks.

  10. plum says:

    Meryl, I can’t pretend to understand any of what you’re going through, but we’re all pulling (and praying) for you and Tig.

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