Way to go, UNIFIL! Hezbollah is even stronger than before

Thanks, UN! Thanks, EU! Thanks, America! Thanks, Olmert! All of you together have managed to make a deadly army of terrorists even more deadly than they were before.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Monday that Hizbullah has improved its capabilities by acquiring higher-quality rockets with longer ranges than those fired in the Second Lebanon War. He spoke during a meeting of the Council for Peace and Security in Tel Aviv.

During his remarks, Barak said that Hizbullah’s rocket inventory had grown by a large margin from its size before the previous war and currently includes upgraded rockets capable of reaching further distances. He added that Hizbuallah seems to be operating north of the Litani River and has fortified its positions through the use of “nature reserves” – a euphemism for military bunkers.

According to Barak’s gloomy portrayal, there is a currently free passage of arms between Syria and Lebanon.

But–but–how can that be? Hafez Assad wants peace! Senators and Congresspeople have told us so!

You don’t suppose they could have been snookered by the Dorktator, do you?

Shyeah. Now that’s sad.

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