Israel is fighting the next war

I’ve been saying for some time now that the IDF has learned many lessons from the Lebanon war of 2006, and that Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran have not.

Here’s what amounts to a throwaway graf at the end of an article about the Gaza rocket attacks that speaks volumes.

In a possible war with Syria, he said, the army would not combat rocket attacks on Israel’s home front as it had during the war in Lebanon. “So long as there are rockets falling on homes in Israel – we can not win the war. We will not fight as the army has in the past. We will not only operate against the rocket launchers themselves but also create a situation where the other side’s desire to launch these attacks sufferers, the price for these attacks will be steep – and the enemy will have to decide whether it can keep fighting.

“In a playground like Syria, we have the capability to strike them,” said Ashkenazi.

Something tells me that Baby Assad’s homes are high up on the list of places that will be bombed if Syria launches rockets toward Israel. But not just him. I’m quite sure the IDF has a list of targets to destroy should the Israeli homefront have to deal with a second barrage of rockets from an enemy.

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2 Responses to Israel is fighting the next war

  1. Gliker says:

    This is actually the best news I have heard, well since my days in the IDF.

    We should never fight on the back of our heals, just take it to the enemy and hard.

    It’s the only way to fight.

  2. Robert says:

    Want to know how to fight a war? Google Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and oh, yes, the word “bomb.”

    That’s how it’s done.

    A war isn’t “won” until you’ve deprived the enemy of either the capability or will to fight. Or both. Kind of like how you kill cancer with chemo-therapy or radiation treatments, you remove every tiny bit of the threat…


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