Syria’s quid pro quo for Annapolis

Here’s what the Dorktator took away as a lesson for his sending a representative to Annapolis:

A car bomb attack killed one of Lebanon’s top generals and at least two other people Wednesday, the military and state media said, putting even more pressure on the country’s delicate political situation.

The target of the attack, Brig. Gen. Francois Hajj, a top Maronite Catholic in the command, was considered a leading candidate to succeed the head of the military, Gen. Michel Suleiman, if Suleiman is elected president.

Hajj, 55, also led a major military campaign against Islamic militants over the summer.

The lesson is clear: Syria can murder as many Christian politicians in Lebanon as their murderous regime wishes to, and the world will not punish them in any way. Lebanon is on the verge of being returned to Syrian client-state rule, and the world stands by and penalizes Israel for building houses in Jerusalem suburbs.

So, how’s that UN investigation going? The one into the death of Rafik Hariri? Oh, that’s right. Nothing’s gone in since the summer. For some reason, the investigation has been back-burnered.

These are the wages of terrorism. And terrorism, it pays off. Just ask Hezbollah, Hamas, PIJ, and especially, the Palestinian Authority.

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3 Responses to Syria’s quid pro quo for Annapolis

  1. Lebanon isn’t a melting pot.
    It’s a compost heap.

  2. soccer dad says:

    I was thinking of posting on this, and hopefully will, later. But I was thinking this might be more of an Iranian response to the NIE.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    Thar’s some varmints out thar what need killin’.

    Member states of the UN send terrorist proxies out to kill and maim people in pursuit of conquest and genocide and the UN applauds and enables them, and Western countries appease them, and Muslim countries support them. Everybody will find out that there will be Hell to pay for this practice, and huge effusions of blood before it is over. Muslims should realize that most of tha blood will come from them, and stop this terrorist jihad before it bites them on the ass more than it has already.

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