I’m back

I’m back from recovering from the cold/fever thingie, as well as from my business trip to northern VA and Washington. I got to experience the layers of bureaucracy up-close and personal, and was not in the least bit surprised that the government wants to make my job literally three times as much work as it is now. However, we’re working on automating it instead.

So I am mostly recovered. I also had a terrific three-month performance review, the best I’ve had since I worked for Lucent. Probably not coincidentally, that job was a web job as well. It seems that I am happiest, and do my best, in electronic publishing on that Intertube thing.

This job’s a keeper.

I’ll be back to my regular posting in time to entertain you all while you surf the internet until you’re dismissed early tomorrow for the Thanksgiving holiday. I did a bunch of work tonight so I won’t have to do it all tomorrow. Plus, I owed some work from last night. We are all caught up and then some.

I will be able to make a trip to For the Love of Chocolate to pick up some goodies for Sarah and family, whom I am joining for Thanksgiving. A short trip, only twenty minutes. It will be a wonderful day, I’m sure.

And I get to sleep in on Sunday. No school. A nice break.

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2 Responses to I’m back

  1. Larry g says:

    “I will be able to make a trip to For the Love of Chocolate to pick up some goodies for Sarah and family.” You’ve got my mouth watering already. We’re looking forward to seeing you.

  2. Rahel says:

    Heh! It seems that we think alike on some things. Before I went out to work today, I also spent the morning doing a bunch of work so that I won’t have to do it tomorrow.

    That chocolate sounds wonderful. Enjoy the holiday!

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