Shabbat shalom

I’m a bit under the weather. I’ve been napping and eating chicken soup and taking zinc lozenges, and will be going to bed early tonight.

Meantime, here’s what my view was last night:

Tig and Gracie asleep on the sofa

Tig’s afraid of the Bedmonster again, so he sleeps on the sofa these days. He’s finally starting to leave room for Gracie. They’re very cute together. We had a peaceful Shabbat.

I’ll be back when I’ve recovered my strength.

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3 Responses to Shabbat shalom

  1. Mog says:

    Hope your feeling better soon. Sounds like you’re doing what you need to.

    Agree on the very cute together.

  2. Gary Rosen says:

    Get well soon, Meryl.

  3. Rahel says:

    Refua shlema, Meryl.

    Chicken soup, zinc lozenges, rest and cats… sounds like a plan.

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