A pleasant surprise

I’m listening to Phillip Glass’ “Metamorphosis” right now, thanks to reader John M.

Can’t wait to hear the Galactica soundtrack CD. I’ll have just enough time to listen to both before I have to teach today.

Thanks, John. Two early (and unexpected!) birthday presents. What a way to balance out the bills and summons for jury duty in today’s mail.

Eh. Jury duty will be fine. It’s the first time I’ve been called since I moved to Richmond. No, that’s not true. I got called by Essex County my first year. Didn’t have to serve, though. They accepted my “I’ve moved” excuse.

By the way, does anyone know when they’re releasing Season Three? I don’t have Sci-Fi Channel and I never saw them. I got the DVDs of 1 and 2.

I’m almost ready to buy the episodes on iTunes and watch them on my computer.

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5 Responses to A pleasant surprise

  1. John M says:

    Oh, man, I thought that was anonymous! That means the other blogger who I just got a present for also knows!

    Well, I need to figure out how it works I guess. How embarassing!

    Anyway, I’m glad you’re enjoying them.

  2. Maybe not, John. I’m smarter than most. :-)

  3. John M says:

    Maybe you analyzed the syntax of the notes in the box, and matched it to my comments here on the blog. Brilliant!

  4. Eric J says:

    No official release date. May be as late as Spring ’08. Probably right around whenever Season 4 premieres. Go ahead and buy on iTunes, I’d say.

  5. When season 4 was first announced (at the end of season 3’s final episode), the word was January. Today, (according to Wikipedia – WARNING: contains spoilers) it is believed that season 4 will begin in April.

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