A particularly violent weekend in the Palestinian Arab territories

Readers of my blog know that I have been keeping a count of all Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other. So far this year I have counted 556 deaths, including  33 women and 40 children.

The past few days have been particularly violent, with some 16 deaths since last Wednesday, not to mention numerous injuries and kidnappings. Details can be found here, here, here and here. The most newsworthy were “clan clashes” between the Fatah-affiliated Hillis family and Hamas, although there were also Hamas/Islamic Jihad fights and a number of other random political murders.

One must wonder why such a depraved corner of the planet, where the rate of terror and murder increased so dramatically after Israel withdrew from Gaza, “deserves” its own state? Yet somehow there appears to be nothing that Palestinian Arabs can do to derail the West’s insistence on helping them with their goal of destroying Israel by creating yet another terror state.

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4 Responses to A particularly violent weekend in the Palestinian Arab territories

  1. Paul says:

    Sheer madness by these Palestinians !!

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    There must be a reason, Meryl, why the stateless Palestinians excite the sympathy of the world and no one loses any sleep about the stateless Kurds. Any idea what it is?

  3. The reason is pretty simple:

    Arab terrorism works.

    When Palestinian Arabs started their worldwide terror campaign in the 1970s, they told the world that if only the world gives up Israel as a sacrificial lamb, the terror would stop. The world, afraid for their own lives, felt that this was a pretty good deal. The worldwide demonization of Israel is in good part a result of the West’s willingness to believe that the terrorists will stay away from Western targets as long as they support PalArabs.

    Kurds behave too nicely.

  4. Alex, that was written by Elder of Ziyon. Not me. I haven’t written a post in two days until tonight. You need to read the author’s name before putting a name in the comment.

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