Brothers can be a big help

You know, those of us with brothers know the drill. They can be the biggest pains in the ass when you’re growing up, and frankly, can be that way once you’re grown as well.

But my big brother drove to Richmond for me Friday night. I called him on Thursday because I am a little overwhelmed by the bat mitzvah preparation, and there are things that simply have to be done in my apartment that were also overwhelming me. So he came down, and we spent yesterday afternoon turning my spare room back into my office, which is what it was supposed to be all along, not the storage room for things I can’t find a place for. It is nearly done, and can now be used as a spare bedroom, which is probably where Eric will stay and save on the hotel bill.

The cats are impressed with the new room. There are empty boxes still to be broken down that they played in.

And the laptop, docking station, and 24-inch screen from work now have a proper desk. All I need to get is a new computer chair and I’m set.

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4 Responses to Brothers can be a big help

  1. The big brother’s goodness is proportional only to the quantity of beating administered to the li’l sister. I am an authority on this subject, me.

    24-inch screen? Oh my – isn’t it a bit too much for a two-eyed person?

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Well, Meryl, I have two brothers and I occasionally have to remind them that as far as I’m concerned, being the smartest and best looking of the three of us is really a burden. I tell them they shouldn’t feel jealous.

  3. Snoopy, Eric never beat me up as a kid. I’m the fighter in the family.

    Actually, I never beat him up, either. But man, when my brothers were both teenagers… hoo-wee, the fights they had. I usually locked myself in my room and waited until they stopped.

  4. 24″ screens are wonderful. I have one at home and I won’t give it up for anything (except maybe a 30″ screen, but they’re too expensive and won’t fit in the available space on my desk.)

    Meryl: If you haven’t already gotten the chair, Staples is a good source. A few years back, I got a leather high-back office chair for $100. Assembly was pretty simple (and it came with the necessary tool as well). I’ve been very happy with it.

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