Kosher Ham

I thought I had Mary Katherine Ham on my blogroll, but I didn’t. Now I do.

I like her. I love watching her on the cable news shows as their resident conservative internet expert. She was on CNN yesterday talking about Ann Coulter. We aren’t very far apart on what we think of the issue, and she made Dana Goldstein of TAPPED look practically incoherent. Here’s a tip, Dana: Lose the middle school girl vocal style. When you end every sentence with an upswing like a question, you sound childish, unsure, and unintelligent. That’s fine when you’re ten. But you’re a grownup now, and you need to learn to talk like a grownup. (She was actually pleased with her first TV appearance. Sad.)

Mary Katherine, on the other hand, has been professional from the get-go. And there’s something about her that makes me feel like we could be friends. Well, maybe next time I’m in New York, I’ll look her up. Of course, I’m going to feel really old meeting her, but hey—I tried going backwards. It doesn’t work.

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One Response to Kosher Ham

  1. Mark James says:

    So you are saying that Dana Goldstein needs to be “perfected”?

    Here the CNN clip at Catherine Ham’s site:

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