
I’ve got a lot of things to do this weekend, and it’s been a really long time since I’ve put up cat pictures, and it’s Caturday, so here we go:

One of Janet's cats

That’s Janet’s kitty, whose picture I’ve had for a while, but kept forgetting to put up.

Another of Janet's cats

This one is a favorite of mine, even though her sisters beat the hell out of her. Poor thing. While I was at Janet and Chris’, I helped them corner their diabetic cat in the kitchen, and then felt bad for laughing because she skidded on the kitchen floor and looked ridiculous. Janet didn’t mind, since I helped catch her quickly, so she didn’t have to be dragged out for her insulin shot. (Of course, all the cats are given Star Trek names, and I can’t remember which is Kira and which is Dax and which is, dammit, now I’ve forgotten half the names and Janet’s going to kill me. Quick, change the subject!)

Tig drinking rainwater

Say, you know those people who like to give their pets nothing but the best bottled water? Well, take a good look at what Tig’s drinking. That’s right, rainwater in a filthy plastic lid. And he loves it. I can’t keep him away from it. All together now: Eww.

And last, but not least, Miss Gracie, looking very, very regal:

Gracie looking regal

She has stopped licking her belly fur again. I’m starting to think that it’s a sign of IBD. She stopped shortly after I remembered to give her the Prednosone again, and hasn’t bothered her belly since. If this keeps up, she may actually have a fully white belly again. Little Miss Silky all over. And Tig is afraid of the Bed Monster again. I can’t tell you why. He was sleeping under the blanket quite happily one day, and the next, he refuses to stay in my bedroom. Oh, well. I get a better night’s sleep without Tig yowling in my ear at 6 a.m. Unless he’s downstairs, yowling for me to wake up, at 6 a.m.

Shoes mysteriously fly down the stairs when that happens.

Works, too.

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6 Responses to Kittypalooza

  1. Rahel says:

    Awwwww! Sweet!

  2. Mog says:

    Bout time we had some kitties. Happy to hear the good news about Gracie’s belly.

    Great kitty pics all.

  3. John M says:

    My cat has Tig beat. He LICKS water off the SHOWER FLOOR. Ugh.

  4. Janet and Chris says:

    The black cat appears to be Kes of the Kes and Kira generation. The white one is Dax of the Dax and Deanna generation. I want the next two to be Lursa and Betor but Chris doesn’t like that idea. We will see.

  5. I don’t remember who Lursa and Betor are.

    John, Tig will do that, too. He doesn’t really care. I have pics of him licking rainwater off the plants on the patio, too.

  6. Janet says:

    Lursa and B’Etor are the Klingon Kleavage sisters. (Betor is the pretty one.)

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