Reuters not happy that Israel won’t commit suicide

Reuters is spinning the talks between Abbas and Olmert as Israel “resisting” the Palestinians. Why? Because Israel is insisting that the Palestinians actually do something before Israel gives them what they want. You know, like stop terror and incitement and disarm the terrorists.

Israel resists Palestinians on peace talks
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel is resisting pressure from the Palestinians to set a strict timetable for implementing any statehood principles agreed at a U.S.-sponsored conference, Israeli officials said on Wednesday.

[…] Israeli officials said Olmert would be open to rough timelines so long as the Israeli steps are tied to reciprocal moves by the Palestinians on matters like disarming militants, as called for under the long-stalled U.S. “roadmap” peace plan.

“These are negotiations and, in the end, you compromise,” said an official close to Olmert.

Palestinian officials see timelines as a way of pressuring Israel to take difficult steps that would help them sell any agreement to the Palestinian public.

In other words, the Palestinians want something for nothing. Israel wants performance-based goals, or something for something. To Reuters, this is Israel “resisting” Palestinians.

Reuters is the British-based news service that supplies much of Europe with their news. Connect the dots to see why Israel is so hated. It’s pretty easy.

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One Response to Reuters not happy that Israel won’t commit suicide

  1. Ed Hausman says:

    … as called for under the long-stalled U.S. “roadmap” peace plan.

    … as called for in the Oslo Accords.

    The ONLY requirement the Israelis have ever demanded from the Palestinians is security. The ONLY concession this genocidally bigoted enemy cannot possibly give is … security. It would contradict their raison d’etre.

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