First day of school

Today was the first day of religious school. It featured a new class, a new principal, new books, and an extra 30 minutes of class time.

I am exhausted. It didn’t help that I was up an hour before the alarm, either.

I always miss my last class for the first week or so of the school year, even though I inevitably fall in love with my new class. My old class always seems to miss me about the same way. We all get over it rather quickly. Although throughout the year, my old students will constantly ask me if my new students are getting negative points. They each like to think they’re the best-behaved (or in one case, worst-behaved) class I will ever have.

This year will definitely be a bit more challenging than last year. I always keep my eye on the third-graders. I knew most of my current students’ names before they even got to my class. But that’s purely self-interest. Their class was large and noisy and, shall we say, behaviorally-challenged last year. For instance, I informed them that there will not be what I referred to as the third grade stampede moved into fourth grade. Minus five points for running in the hall, I told them. They were suitably chagrined and did not run screaming out of the room when I dismissed them.

The class is very boy-heavy. Two girls, seven boys. I expect to be exhausted after every class.

And for the fifth time in six years, I have a pair of boy-girl twins. Our congregation seems to be heavy on the boy-girl twins, especially considering how tiny we are. I think these two are it, though. Which is too bad. Boy-girl twins add a special dynamic to the class that I’ve enjoyed very much. I’ve found that it really lessens the boy-girl competition so prevalent in fourth graders.

Exhausted. I may just go take a nap to recover.

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One Response to First day of school

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Good luck with your new crop of munchkins, Meryl.

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