Saturday night Stealth

I got this shot at the Langley air show a few years back.

Stealth fighter

Stealth fighters are pretty cool-looking planes.

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10 Responses to Saturday night Stealth

  1. Joel says:

    They might be in use over Iran soon enough.

  2. Robert says:

    Joel, we can only hope!

  3. Rahel says:

    Stealth pics are nice.

    So are pics of Tig and Gracie.

  4. saus says:

    I don’t know what’s hotter, that sleek looking fighter, or the fact that you were at the Langley Air show plus got to see it.

  5. Long_Rifle says:

    They are ALOT bigger then they look in person.

    I got to see one at an air show at willow run in Detroit (well suburbs of Detroit).

    Take a look at the Pilot’s melon and you can kinda get an idea of scale.

    That and many years ago I got to see a SAC ac-130 do a JATO launch off the runway. Awesome is the only description.

  6. I had a great time at the air show. When I arrived, paratroopers were falling from the sky, causing me to immediately break into the old Weathergirls hit, “It’s raining men,” to the embarrassment of my companion. Not that I stopped. It was raining men.

    I’ll have to dig around and put up some more shots, since this one seems so popular.

  7. Robert says:

    I had the opportunity to watch an SR-71 Blackbird take off from a runway in Korea in 1982. I’ll never forget that…


  8. Lil Mamzer says:

    Last week I took the family to the museum at Pax River Naval Air Station, which is where the Navy flight-tests new planes.

    They had on display the actual F-35 Joint Strike Fighter ship that won the competition for the “little brother” version of the F-22 Raptor. Israel just announced it will purchase a fleet of these F-35s, which are at least as stealthy as the F-117 you photographed, Meryl.

    It’s a beautiful bird, and I was imagining seeing the big Magen David on the side of the fuselage – it would look great.

  9. John F. MacMichael says:

    The F-117s are being phased out of service. Cool as they look, they are 1970s technology. They are being replaced by the F-22.

    On the other hand, some Night Hawks will still be in the inventory through next year. So, if GWB decides to enliven his last year in office by taking a whack at the Iranian nuke sites, well, Joel and Robert, you might just get your wish.

    “Last Ride of the Night Hawks”. Sounds like a Tom Clancy title doesn’t it?

  10. I’ve seen F117’s at air shows for the past 2-3 years now. Most recently at the Joint Service Open House that is held every year at Andrews Air Force Base, usually a week or two before Memorial Day.

    If you can make your way to attend next year, it’s always a good show. You get to see both modern and historic planes. Often flying in formation together (so-called “heritage” flights.)

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