Job notes

I was up in northern VA today, doing the interview thing. I am now awaiting an offer letter, which should get here the end of next week. If all goes well, I will be on staff October 1st.

It occurs to me that it is nearly six and a half years since I last held an on-staff position, and it was not for lack of trying during most of those years. It’s been tough, recovering from being an entry-level programmer laid off in late spring of 2001. Bad enough just trying to get a job in my field after the tech bubble burst. 9/11 smacked our economy hard as well—that’s something people have already forgotten. There were echo layoffs from companies that were hit hard that day. That’s partly why I branched into tech writing, which paid my bills most of last year. But now I’m back in web work, where I started in the tech world, using my programming knowledge for good. (I speak fluent geek.)

The good news is that my income has gone steadily up the last three years, and I am slowly but surely rising from the debt I accrued due to lack of work the last few years. In fact, by Oct. 1, I should have one credit card paid off entirely. As soon as the debt is gone, the saving for a condo/townhouse begins.

By this time next year, I should be a happy homeowner, who can invite Janet and Chris (the job-finders, big yay! to them) down to Richmond for Rosh Hashana (my apple cake is not to be missed; it’s the ONLY thing I bake, ever, and it’s from scratch), where I can have my very own New Year’s dinner. In my very own home.

5768 is shaping up to be a good year in the Yourish household. May it be a sweet year for the rest of you, too.

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3 Responses to Job notes

  1. Joel says:

    Good luck. Nothing like getting up in the morning and knowing that you have a steady job to go to with benefits. I well know what it is like to be unemployed or having to temp.

  2. bvw says:

    Hah! A good time of year for new beginnings! Best regards and hopes for your new assignment!

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Good luck with the job, Meryl.And remember, it’s now “5768” on your checks.

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