Got a Michael Vick jersey to get rid of?

People are finding good uses for them.

The Atlanta Humane Society said they are receiving donations from across the country — and you’ll never guess what people are sending.

More than a dozen Michael Vick jerseys have been sent to AHS, and they are putting them to good use.

[…] “At first we were like, ‘I wonder what we’re going to use this for,” said P.J. Smith with AHS.

And the jerseys kept coming. About a dozen or so jerseys were sent from people wanting to make good from a bad situation. In fact, the Humane Society is getting flooded with e-mails about Vick.

So what are volunteers doing with the jerseys?

“We discovered like any donation we get, any shirt or towel, we put it to good use here at Atlanta Humane Society. We’re always using things to clean kennels, use for bedding and stuff like that,” said Smith.

Did she say cleaning kennels?

“We’re not showing any favoritism to these jerseys, they go into our general rotation of towels,” Smith said.

One dog is using his Vick jersey as a pillow.

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5 Responses to Got a Michael Vick jersey to get rid of?

  1. John M says:

    Yeah, that guy is a slimeball.

  2. I’m debating showing up at the Federal Courthouse downtown on Monday. I can’t decide what to put on a poster, though.

    Suggestions welcome.

  3. John M says:


  4. Rahel says:

    “Vick, next time pick on someone your own size!”

  5. Jonathan Shell says:

    We started a facebook group called “Let your dogs take revenge on Micahel Vick” where veterinary clinics that are accepting Vick jerseys as kennel rags can post their locations…

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