Sexist beefcake picture of the week

I just felt like putting this picture up.

The aptly-named Apollo from Battlstar Galactica

I’m thinking he was aptly named. Yep. That’s an Apollo, all right.

Sorry, ladies, he’s took. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy.

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9 Responses to Sexist beefcake picture of the week

  1. Chris L. says:

    Okay, I know this is in the Girl Talk category, so I probably shouldn’t be in here, but who is this guy? I don’t get it.

  2. Ditto – and apologies that we, men, are so out of touch…

  3. That, my dear boys, is Jamie Bamber, who plays Apollo in the new version of Battlestar Galactica on SciFi. I’d been hearing raves about it for a while, and when I read it was one of Joss Whedon’s favorite shows, I figured I’d borrow the DVDs of Season One from my friend after all. It’s good. It’s VERY good.

    I like looking at Apollo a lot more than looking at Starbuck, mostly because they made Starbuck a woman this time around. There is no Apollo/Starbuck conundrum, at least, not if you’re a straight woman. Starbuck could now be considered a role model, except for the boozing and the screwing up and the flouting authority. But dammit, she’s a woman! And there’s no Cassiopiea, the “socialator,” this time around. Or a mechanical dog, thankfully.

    My friends and I had endless Kirk v. Spock conversations. I was a Spock fan. I always found Leonard Nimoy sexier than William Shatner. I think it’s the voice. I swoon for baritones. Alas, Jamie Bamber is a tenor.

  4. Lisa Clarke says:

    Hey, Meryl! I just subscribed to your blog (finally!) and I have to say this was a great first post to wake up to this morning :-)

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    Shockingly female chauvinist of you, Meryl, to run these pictures. And what’s this guy got that I haven’t–I mean, except from his hair, his demeanor, his build, and his face? This brands you as a sexist and the only way you could redeem yourself is…I don’t know…got some of Lucy Lawless in her amazon costume?

  6. Lucy’s on Battlestar Galactica, Alex. In fact, this picture is based on a scene from the first episode Lucy was in. Great episode.

    Hi, Lisa!

  7. Lucy Lawless definitely looked better as Xena than as this Cylon chick. Of course, if it’s looks you’re after, you go with the other Cylon chick.

    Did you know that Bambie –er, Bamber — is British? This accent is a put-on for the show. I find it a little nasal and whiny for the sort of fellow he supposedly is.

    In about two more seasons you get to see the episodes where he gets “fat”.

    Or a mechanical dog, thankfully.

    Or annoying kid.

  8. Angie, his dad’s American. That’s why he can do a good American accent.

    I like him better without the Britspeak.

  9. Jack Friedman says:

    Shatner, Nimoy, Nimoy, Shatner . . .

    Both Jews, Meryl.

    Your mother would be proud!

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