What’s new

Say, you know how every so often I get tired of the same-old, same-old and want to change things around a bit?

I’m tired of the same-old, same-old.

I may start blogging about politics after all.

Or my trip to look at condo complexes today. First one, eh, second one, wow, I think I found my home. Okay, not really, because it’s only the second one I’ve seen, but I really like it, and I already know someone who lives there. Mind you, I won’t be buying until next year for a variety of reasons, not least of which is paying down the debt I’ve accumulated through the years of under- and unemployment (and may I say again how incredibly happy I am to be gainfully employed, full-time, with a company that has a future).

But I’m adding a few grand to the cost of whatever I buy. That’s for my home theater system. I want a big-screen TV and speakers. I want my mini-movie theater in my home. And to think, it’s less than a year away.

Life is good right now.

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One Response to What’s new

  1. Anonymous says:

    Good luck! Nothing like having a job (with benefits) and a secure roof over your head, – throw in good health and everything else in life after that is a bonus.

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