98 in the shade

It’s 98 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade of my patio, and Tig couldn’t be happier. That Magical Maine Coon Cat Coat, the one that insulates summer or winter, keeps him napping all afternoon when the local stations are issuing extreme heat warnings on the crawls below their afternoon shows.

I’m going to have to issue an extreme laziness warning.

Tig napping in the summer shade

It should hit triple digits sometime this afternoon, with the heat index about about 110-115. Sarah and I discussed this in our own meteorological terms. We have decided that yesterday was about an 8 on the Yuckitude Scale™, and that only triple digit temperatures could make it a 10.

Forecast for today: 10 on the Yuckitude Scale™, leading to Extreme Yuckitude and cautions to remain in waist-deep water if at all possible.

(All bloggers using the Yuckitude Scale™ must link back to this post as payment of my Yuckiright™ fee.)

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3 Responses to 98 in the shade

  1. Rahel says:

    Tig looks eminently skritchable.

  2. You touch him when it’s 98 in the shade and he’s stretched out like that, you take your life into your hands.

    Okay, well, several layers of skin, anyway.

  3. Rahel says:

    OK, gaze-able, then. I have a healthy respect for cats’ claws.

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