Chickens come home to roost

This is what you get for letting terrorism grow unchecked within your borders:

Al Qaida-inspired militants battling the Lebanese army for more than 10 weeks hit a main power station in north Lebanon with Katyusha rockets on Thursday, disrupting electricity supplies to wide areas.

Security sources said Fatah al-Islam militants, holed up in Nahr al-Bared refugee camp, fired half a dozen rockets at Deir Amar power station. At least two rockets hit the plant.

Kamal Hayek, the chairman of the state-owned electricity company, told Lebanon’s official news agency that production at the 400 megawatt facility was halted while damage was assessed.

My sympathy meter for the Lebanese is pegged at zero.

In Beirut, military experts defused a Katyusha rocket wired to a timer and set to explode, security sources said. The device was found near the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra.

Once again, look how hard it is to find out how many civilians have been killed, compared to the boilerplate about “xxxx Lebanese were killed, most of them civilians” that we saw during last year’s war:

At least 253 people, including 127 soldiers, have been killed in fighting between Fatah al-Islam and the army which erupted on May 20. It is Lebanon’s worst internal violence since the 1975-1990 civil war.

The word “civilian” does not occur in this article. Probably because no Israelis were involved in the fighting. Interesting, that.

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