Helping Rahel

Folks, if you were looking to help Rahel with the expenses toward her cat’s diabetes, you can hit my Paypal or Amazon tipjars and I will send the money along to Rahel.

She’s just advanced me the funds she received from her tipjar. Regular contributor Hugh S. put in an amount, and I’m adding my own contribution to the amount. I’ll be heading to the post office for an international envelope and sending Rahel a check for the amount. So if you want to contribute, I’ll wait until the end of the week before writing that check, and send it off Sunday for the first-thing-Monday mail.

By the way, the Lady has recovered completely from her diabetes, and Gracie is just about recovered from her IBD. Not bad for a couple of middle-aged kitties.

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One Response to Helping Rahel

  1. Rahel says:

    Thank you, Meryl, and everyone who’s helping. I appreciate it very much.

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