Harry Potter movie

I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with my niece and her mom tonight, as Sorena is going to Interlochen this weekend for three weeks, and wasn’t sure if she’d be able to see it in camp. (And by the way, Sorena is one of only three people her age in the Richmond Youth Symphony Orchestra, if I may brag a bit more.)

Go see it.

Really good.

Best of the bunch.

The duel at the end was superb. That Dumbledore—he has presence.

Next Friday night, Sarah and I are taking her eldest sons to the local Barnes & Noble’s to get the seventh book. I took Sorena two years ago. (Was it only two years? Wow. She sure has grown.) She had fun. I did, too.

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2 Responses to Harry Potter movie

  1. John F. MacMichael says:

    I saw it yesterday and then reread the book. I was rather impressed with the way they distilled the 800+ page book into a movie running a little over two hours. They got the main plot lines in very effectively (I cannot say that I missed the Quidditch sub-plot.)

    Of course, that zero screen time was spent on explanation helped. I guess the producers figured that everyone in the audience had both read the books and seen the previous movies and hence would know who was who and what was going on without having it spoonfed to them.

  2. physics geek says:

    I’m glad that the reviews of the movie have been very good overall. Frankly, since OTP was what I thought the least of the series so far, I’m glad that they were able to make good movie out of it.

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