Ew! Anti-Semite cooties!

I got a link from Justin Raimondo, the Jew-hating brains behind the site I will never link. After I shook off the extreme disgust, I decided to edit the post in question for people curious enough to click the link.

I’m thinking it needs more, though.

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5 Responses to Ew! Anti-Semite cooties!

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Check the Wikipedia discussion page. Someone kept trying to add the BBC report as true and the editors kept taking it out. THey had to protect the page to keep the idiocy from being added as a major “fact

  2. Paul says:

    What are those Brits smoking Meryl ?? The PLO and Israelis in bed together ? FICTION.

  3. Yeah, probably put in by Justin and his pals.

    He posted a comment. I’m not approving him as a commenter here. Ever.

  4. Derick S. says:

    I only just learned of this great “revelation” from the British archives. I don’t fault the British government for collecting and preserving this example of “intelligence,” but I definitely blame the BBC for suggesting it has any truth value other than as yet another example of the willingness of some people to attribute any and all bad acts by Palestinians to the workings of evil Zionist plots. (Cf. the recent rush to blame Israel for the Hamas-Fatah bloodletting in Gaza).

    Yeah, I know, the BBC not treating Israel fairly: dog yaps at man.

    As for Justin R., I think Meryl’s “Ew!” response is wholly warranted.

  5. Mark says:

    Justin Raimundo is an idiot. Trouble is, he’s the dangerous kind of idiot…

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