Iranians look like total schmucks

This is absolutely precious. In an attempt to smear the U.S., an Iranian editor used a picture of Avigdor Lieberman as a “Muslim” being discriminated against by the U.S.

Is Avigdor Lieberman a “good Muslim”? An Iranian newspaper apparently thought so when they accidentally used a picture of the Israeli minister of strategic affairs to illustrate an article about Iranians being mistreated in the United States.

The article accused the US of discriminating against Iranians living in its territory, citing the example of an Iranian man who was fired from his American job due to his religious beliefs, according to the website Assar-Iran.

Lieberman’s trim beard is what apparently made an impression on the editors of Iranian weekly Ya-Lasrat when they decided to use his photograph in the article “Religious beliefs behind unjust dismissal of another Iranian in the US”.

There’s a picture on the Ynet site. Go look, and laugh.

Say, fellas, it pays to know where you’re getting your pictures from. Perhaps you should have checked with someone who knows how to read Hebrew. Or English.

Say it with me, folks: Schmucks.

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2 Responses to Iranians look like total schmucks

  1. chsw says:

    I’m sure that Lieberman thought it was hilarious.


  2. Ed Hausman says:

    Or even Russian.

    And the real reason they look like schmucks? Because that’s exactly what they are …

    As a great number of their own people wish they could stand up and say right along with us.

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