Stupid UN moment of the day

As a result of objections by Poland, Auschwitz has been renamed. Because the Poles were oh-so-very-good to the Jews during and after WWII, right?

On July 4, 1946, townspeople and security officers, spurred by a false rumor that Jews living at 7 Planty St., had kidnapped a Christian boy, attacked Jewish Holocaust survivors living in the building. They killed 42 people, almost all Jews, over several hours, and about 30 more were killed in a violent frenzy that spread across the area.

So now Polish feelings are more important than the reality sixty years ago.

UNESCO has officially renamed the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland to make clear it was established and run by occupying German Nazi forces, a World Heritage Committee spokesman said Thursday.

The camp will now be known as “Auschwitz-Birkenau. German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945),” said Roni Amelan, a spokesman for UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee.

The committee agreed to change the name from “Auschwitz Concentration Camp” at a meeting in New Zealand following a request from Poland, and the change is effective immediately, Amelan said.

Pardon me while I roll my eyes at yet another useless move by the UN.

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3 Responses to Stupid UN moment of the day

  1. velvel in decatur says:

    Mayhaps they could rename the United Nations? How about “the ship of fools?” or “The Asylum Run by the Inmates who suck up tax money and strut pompously (and then lie like dogs”?
    But at least Ban ki-Moon’s child is not extorting gelt and Ban ki-Moon does not engage in nauseating lectures (yet)

  2. Schvach says:

    Please forgive my disgustingly macabre
    contribution, but isn’t a gift shop located on the grounds? Just who runs the place?

  3. Ed Hausman says:

    Oswiecim, right?

    However they try to cover it up, a rose by any other name will still rot once its time has come.

    Anyway, THE stupid UN moment of the day is when they open the doors for business.

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