This never happens to me

You know, I’m a pretty good driver most of the time. I stay pretty close to or within the speed limit, don’t generally run red lights or drive dangerously. But I have never, ever, ever been able to talk myself out of a moving violation.

Until today.

I went through a red light from a left-turn lane. There was no question it was red, and I ran it—and there was a cop right behind me, and I didn’t notice her. She pulled me over, I had no explanation. I just dug my license out of my wallet, rolled down my window, and waited. The police officer said, “It wasn’t even close.” I said, “I know. I’m sorry.” I figured she was going to write me a ticket. Then she asked me if I had a good explanation, and I said no, I didn’t. I said I usually don’t do things like this. She asked “You mean you usually don’t get caught, or you usually don’t do them?” “Don’t do them. You can check my record.” I think she already had. So she tried one last time and said, “Can you give me a really good reason why I shouldn’t write you a ticket?” and I said no. I said I wish I could, but I did something stupid and I have no good explanation. I said I was rushing to mail my friend a birthday present, but that wasn’t a good enough reason to run a red light. I told her I was being a jerk. She said, “No, don’t say that word. Say you were using poor judgment.”

She let me off with a warning. I was stunned. This never happens to me. I was expecting the points and the fine. I deserved it. It would only be the third moving violation in my entire driving career (two speeding tickets). I’m still shocked that I didn’t get the ticket. Glad, but shocked.

Must be my lucky day.

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3 Responses to This never happens to me

  1. chsw says:

    You never know when you might run into someone who reads your blog.


  2. Bob says:

    Heh…musta been showing cleavage…

    Oh wait..female cop…

    mebbe she thought you were hot?

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    That is why you got off. If you had argued, tried to explain or anything of that nature, you would have gotten the book thrown at you. It is like someone coming at you for cutting them off and you apologize and acknowledge fau;t before they start yelling, they don’t know what to do and just walk away.

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