Kurt Waldheim: Together with Hitler again

Former Nazi Kurt Waldheim is roasting in Hell alongside his buddy Hitler. Buh-bye, creep!

Kurt Waldheim, former UN Secretary General and president of Austria died of cardiovascular failure aged 88 in Vienna on Thursday.

Waldheim’s election as Austrian president was overshadowed by the controversy over his past in the Nazi Wehrmacht in the Second World War. During his presidency, Austria was internationally isolated.

Yet, with his refusal to come clean about this past, Waldheim involuntarily triggered a long overdue discussion about Austria’s role in the Third Reich.

The myth of Austria as the mere first victim of Hitler’s expansion policy was abandoned, and Austria’s complicity in Nazi crimes was admitted to.

As you can see, the whitewash has begun.

Waldheim remained a fixture in diplomatic and social circles after his presidency, but ceased to play a political role. Until his death, Waldheim continued to deny any allegations of wrongdoing.

The heated debates during the campaign and his term of office led however to an important change of mind in Austrian society. For the first time, Austria’s role as “Hitler’s first victim” was openly questioned.

Austria slowly came to accept it had also played the role of the willing accomplice in Nazi crimes. Historical views were revised, and Austrian politicians for the first time apologized publicly for Austria’s complicity.

Although he never admitted to any personal guilt, Waldheim brought about a profound change in Austria’s self-perception.

Yeah. Whatever.

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8 Responses to Kurt Waldheim: Together with Hitler again

  1. Robert Redl says:

    Right at this very moment on ORF (a tv station in Austria) they discuss about the Waldheim controversy. Your last sentence about “perception” brings it to the point. Congratulations about finding the right words, where diplomats of both countries and the UN did not find them until today.
    Greetings from Vienna, Austria – Robert

  2. I didn’t write that, Robert. It’s from the Ha’aretz article.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    I’m devastated. I’m in tears. It’s so sad…that is, it’s sad that the s.o.b. lasted until eighty-eight.

  4. Lil Mamzer says:

    It always made such perfect sense that the Israel-hating, antisemite-infested UN was headed by a bona-fide, genuine, jackboot-wearing Nazi.

    May he rot in hell.

  5. The Doctor says:

    From Wonkette:

    Nazi Scumbag Finally Dies

    Evil Nazi war criminal Kurt Waldheim is finally dead at 88. The Nazi not only survived the “Jewish war” but thrived for another sixty years as a diplomat and politician, eventually becoming the head of the United Nations and president of Austria.

    Experts say having Waldheim lead the UN is about as absurd as Henry Kissinger winning the Nobel Peace Prize. But as both of these things actually happened, linguists suggested the word “absurd” be replaced with “pretty much par for the course.” The CIA, of course, knew all about his Nazi past long before he became secretary general of the UN in 1971.

    Waldheim was 88 and choked to death on the devil’s cock.

  6. You know, I really don’t think we needed the Wonkette quote. Particularly the last paragraph.

    Kindly do not soil my comments section with things like that in the future.

  7. The Doctor says:

    Apologies as always. Having read other stuff posted here I thought that either there would be pre-posting redaction or a demand for the entire story. Sorry.

  8. Tatterdemalian says:

    On those rare occasions when Wonkette isn’t bashing Israel, her reliance on profanity (now a hallmark of the modern left) still makes her unwelcome in most on the non-moonbat blogosphere.

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