Cuteness overload

You know, when Sarah told me that the twins were “graduating” from pre-school, and that the school was actually going to have a ceremony, I laughed. Loud and long. She laughed too, and it became a running joke for a few days. I only just got around to watching the video at her place, and I laughed again. Sorry, but the juxtaposition of five-year-olds in caps and gowns, marching to “Pomp and Circumstance” was just too much for me. For the parents, too, judging by the laughter coming from the background.

I just love the way that Little Miss Camera Ham (that would be Rebecca) turned around to make sure Mommy got a good long shot of her marching to the stage.

Of course, what this really means is that next year, come September, Sarah and I can go out to lunch without any children at all trailing after us. Which means we can go to any restaurant we like, not worry about whether or not the menu is kid-friendly, and not worry about eating lunch too late and kids who are crabby from hunger.

Wow. Freedom.

But first, there’s the summer, which now means that when we go to lunch, it’s with all four children. Lunch is going to be very interesting again. Funny, though, we haven’t been able to do lunch much lately. We’re thinking of reinstating our weekly Farmer’s Market/lunch trips, though. Of course, it’s going to depend on my workload. But working from home has some distinct advantages. If I take a long lunch break, I can finish the work after dinner and not worry about the drive home.

Anyway, go watch at least the first half-minute of the video if you want to see pre-schoolers in caps and gowns. It’s hilarious.

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