Amnesty Intl., the “impartial” observer

Amnesty overload: Amnesty Intl. released yet another anti-Israel report, but I can’t be bothered to read it. There’s only so much bias I can take. Just remember, Amnesty is impartial. Because they say so.

AI is independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. It does not support or oppose any government or political system, nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to protect. It is concerned solely with the impartial protection of human rights.

Yeah, this is totally impartial.

“Mortal danger – military zone – any person who passes or damages the fence endangers his life”. This message is written in Hebrew, Arabic and English on signs all along the fence/wall, as the picture shows.

In fact, simply being near the wall can put Palestinians in mortal danger.

The report is sprinkled liberally with pictures of the cement barrier section of the wall, ignoring the fact that the majority of the wall is a fence topped with barbed wire, which can be easily removed—if the Palestinians ever renounce terror against Israel. The main report, of course, glosses over the reduction of terror attacks in 2006—which is partly due to the fence.

But don’t let the facts stand in the way of a good Israel-bashing, Amnesty. You go, guys! You’ll be getting free drinks at cocktail parties all over the elitosphere thanks to yet another year of Israel-bashing.

By the way, if you hurry to the above link, you’ll see that they can’t even be bothered making sure “Israel” is spelled correctly. The current link says “Download Isreal as printable PDF file.”

Inspires confidence, that does. They must be big on accuracy.

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9 Responses to Amnesty Intl., the “impartial” observer

  1. John M says:

    “In fact, simply being near the wall can put Palestinians in mortal danger.”

    Of course they don’t mention the fact that simply being near Palestinians puts Israelis in danger.

  2. Robert says:

    I loathe AI with almost every fiber of my being. They are even worse than PETA.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    I like the bumper sticker

    Israel Is Real

  4. Joseph T Major says:

    AI has become part of the progressive zeitgeist. This has now determined (it’s a consensus project, there is no Master of the Progressives giving orders) that Israel is the next country to be transformed, the way that South Africa was. They imagine a democratic, secular, unified, peaceful Palestine rising from the ashes, as it were.

  5. Sabba Hillel says:

    Of course, the fact that the ashes will be those of the Jooooz does not bother them at all.

  6. Lefty says:

    But the report mostly bashes the placement of the security barrier, which cuts way into the West Bank. Is there any reason besides defending the settlements for the barrier to go so deeply into the occupied territory?

  7. You didn’t actually read the report, did you?

    Here’s an excerpt:

    About a third of the Israeli civilians killed by Palestinian armed groups were Israeli settlers in the OPT. Palestinians consider Israeli settlers to be chiefly responsible for the confiscation and appropriation of their land and resources, and for the restrictions imposed on their movement in the OPT by the Israeli army.

    Impartial. Excusing the murder of civilians because they’re “Settlers.”

  8. In fact, when I see an equivalent report from Amnesty on the evils of suicide bombings and terror attacks, I will give them some kind of credit.

    And yet, there are never reports about the victims of suicide bombings. Go figure.

  9. Michael Lonie says:

    If you start a genocidal war intended to destroy a country and murder its people, as the Arabs did, and lose, as the Arabs did, you may expect to lose some land. You may then thank your lucky stars you did not lose more of it.

    If you are in any doubt about this, any doubt at all, I suggest a trip to Poland to look for signs of German habitation in what were once East Prussia, Silesia, and Pomerania.

    The Muslims, particularly those now calling themselves Palestinian Arabs (they refused this name before 1948), intend the genocide of the Jews. Anyone who does not understand that does not understand what is going on.

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