UC Irvine’s proud Zionist

Reut Cohen is doing her utmost to stop the anti-Semites at UC Irvine. She has an uphill battle.

Let’s say that there is a country called Christianland where 44 percent of the world’s Christians live, and whose total population is 76 percent Christian (Christians of all sects, from Catholics to Protestants and everyone in between). My club puts on a week of events that I claim aren’t anti-Christian, but I demonize the population and government of Christianland, saying that they don’t have a right to exist as a nation and that they must be destroyed by any means necessary (including, for example, suicide bombers). I doubt that many of you would say that I wasn’t being anti-Christian. Since there are so many Christians worldwide, this seems implausible, but if you substituted Israel for Christianland and Jews for Christians, then it isn’t so implausible. It’s already happened.

Last week, the MSU put on their week of events titled “Israel: Apartheid Resurrected,” and in doing so, proved that they were not being anti-Zionist (Zionism being the movement to create and support the state of Israel), but anti-Semitic. They will tell you otherwise, because they brought a “rabbi,” Dovid Weiss, who represents a group that makes up 0.04 percent of world Jewry. Weiss speaking for the Jewish population is like David Duke speaking for Christians; it just doesn’t make sense to have a radical member on the fringe of a group speak for the group.

But she’s getting results. She got a congressman to come and see the hate.

Put her on your reading list. She’s going on my blogroll.

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2 Responses to UC Irvine’s proud Zionist

  1. Jack says:

    Back in the day I had a bunch of friends who went to UCI, but it wasn’t the mess it is today.

    These kids need all the help that we can give them.

  2. ZZMike says:

    I’m a UCI alumnus. Long time past.

    Last year I wrote the Alumni Association and told them to take my name off the list. I’d seen too much of the MSA activism going on at UCI. And it’s not just recent – it’s been there 4 or 5 years at least.

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