Heroes season finale open thread

Because you know you want it.

I spent much of the last ten minutes yelling at the television. While sitting on the edge of my seat.

I love this show.

Loved most of the finale. Not all. Just most.

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7 Responses to Heroes season finale open thread

  1. What Lynn and I were trying to figure out after all is said and done (and after she greeted me with “You totally nailed it!” about Nathan picking up Peter and causing the explosion high enough in the stratosphere to save New York) is: Why did Linderman try to kill Nathan early in the show? Was it just a red herring plotline? It makes no sense that Linderman would kill his golden boy, unless he had already figured out that Sylar was going to eat Candice’s brain and become Nathan in the future.

    The death toll appears to be exactly one person with powers—Linderman. We haven’t seen anybody else’s body, and I seriously doubt the man can heal himself when there’s a fist-sized hole in his brain.

    And was that George Takei in the Samurai armor? I’m pretty sure it was, but it was just a glimpse. And a hint. “Generations” indicates that Kensei is Hiro’s ancestor.

    Fun times ahead. Too bad Sylar isn’t dead. The rat crawled into the sewer. Dammit.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    I missed that part of the ending. Thanks for pointing it out. Perhaps Kensei is not just Hiro’s anscestor but his father as well.

    I think that Peter must have survived because of Claire’s power. It is possible that he has saved Nathan as well.

    Remember how Sylar healed “so fast” when he was a prisoner at the “paper company”. Also Molly will be able to tell them that Sylar survived. Consider how D. L. healed so well the previous time that he was injured.

    I think that all of them share many aspects of Claire’s power but just don’t know that.

    In any case, based on the comic book type of action, no villain can be stopped permanently. However, I wonder if Sylar lost some (or all) of the powers that he was holding based on the recap we saw in his eyes before he went dead. In that case, he has to start again.

  3. LynnB says:

    Peter doesn’t need to save Nathan. Actually, I think it’s the other way around. Meryl’s theory (if I remember correctly) is that Peter — and Ted –don’t explode, they just blow off incredible amounts of energy when they get too hot. So Nathan could have taken Peter high enough and then flown away until Peter nuked. Then, even if Peter was too weak to fly on his own, Nathan could have come back to rescue him.

    My problem with Peter having absorbed Ted’s power is: how did he manage to avoid the part where everything he touches dies?

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    I think that was only in an early part of the power where he did not realize what was going on. As a result, he was emitting radiation without realizing it. Since Peter and Sylar absorbed the power (at full strength) they knew what was going on and could suppress it. Notice that when they first absorbed the power, they emitted visible light. Ted did not do that because he did not have the full power.

    Actually, I think that most of the powers are aspects of the same power base. It is just that the way it manifests is a function of what the person is and how he or she thinks.

    Consider invisibility and Candace’s power of making people see what they think is real.

  5. The Doctor says:

    I agree that Peter and Nathan will be back [Nathan flies fast, takes Peter up high, and scrams; Peter regenerates just like he did in the alternate future].

    I’m curious who the next Big Bad is going to be…worse than Sylar and can see Molly when she’s thinking of him.

    I propose an evil dude who can see the good boys and girls, lives in the North, and enslaves elves…

    But that’s just me.

  6. Sabba Hillel, the way comics physics works is that characters who have energy powers almost never blow up like bombs. They simply expend the energy, which usually causes them to pass out. Which is why I think that Nathan grabbed Peter, flew him up to the stratosphere, dumped him and flew like hell to get away from the nuclear blast emission coming out of Peter.

    Then caught him when he fell. But we’ll find out in September.

    I think you’re reading a lot into the significance of who has what power. In my experience, people think of the power first, and then figure out the person who gets it. It’s part of the whole team-building thing. First, you need your brick, then your genius/inventor, then your energy-power person, then your telekinetic/telepath, then… you get my drift.

    Candice’s aspect is the one we’ve been seeing. She was knocked out. Can’t maintain the illusion if you’re unconscious. Invisible guy may bend light around him so no one can see him. We don’t know.

    In any case: Looking forward to season two.

  7. Jon says:

    I thought the finale was good (Meryl, you definitely nailed the ending; I was expecting Nathan to show up at the end and fly him away when everyone was just standing around watching Peter), but it could have used a longer fight scene (we only got a little more than what was shown in “Five Years Gone.” I’m glad they pretty much wrapped up the bomb plot; it would have been awful if Peter exploded in the plaza and then they just faded to black.

    If Sylar is still alive, I think they need to weaken him a bit and he stops trying to steal other people’s powers; otherwise we have a repeat of season 1. Maybe he runs into the super boogeyman that Molly is afraid of early in the season and then we have a little villain battle.

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