Things I’m not writing about

Since I’m about to send my computer off to HP and get a loaner from work, and I’m trying to write stories tonight that will appear throughout the day tomorrow, and, well, I seem not to really want to write them, here are the stories I’m thinking of writing about.

The WaPo’s interpretation of the rise of European anti-Semitism, where in some countries, more than half the population thinks Jews hold too much power in world finance and are more loyal to Israel than to their native lands. Gee. Where have we heard that before? And this is sixty effing years after the destruction of two-thirds of Europe’s Jewry. And a great big one-finger salute to you, Europe. Really. Eff you, and you, and you. (Of course this explain’s the EU’s attitude towards Israel. Did you ever truly think there was another cause? I didn’t.)

Here’s the ADL article. France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Poland. More on this later.

The WaPo and the Times on the debacle that Al-Hurra is becoming. It’s very interesting to read them both and compare and contrast. I have but one comment for the Times, which can’t understand just why Muslims hate America: It’s the religion, stupid.

Okay, Falwell didn’t leave Jews with “mixed feelings.” Some of us couldn’t stand the guy at all. Like Lair Simon and me. Others are just not as smart. And if you think that post is bad, listen to the SNN podcast this week. Lair’s segment is absolutely sizzling. I’ve seen the script. Classic Lair.

And of course, it’s a Black Panther blame-the-Jews-fest in Canada. Why? Because Canadians refused entry to a speaker who’s been less than kind to the Jews. And check out this defense:

“B’nai Brith has won this one, and I’m starting to see the power of the Jewish lobby in Canada, full force. I thought Canada was free.”

He said his views have been “grossly mischaracterized,” and that he is an anti-Zionist, not an anti-Semite.

You see? He’s not anti-Semitic. He just blames the Jewish lobby’s influence. Just like Walt and Mearsheimer and Jimmy Carter. Amazing how that keeps happening.

Feh. I’m going to stop now.

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5 Responses to Things I’m not writing about

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Well, Falwell once asserted that the antichrist is a male Jew living now. I’m not saying anything one way or the other, Meryl, but I’ve assured my Christian friends that one day they may be very glad I like them.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Technically, I suppose you could say that every living male Jew (aside from people like Noam Chomsky) is an anti-christ. However, from the way the term seems to be used in modern day writings, I suppose that they would say that the “antichrist” would be the mashiach. Of course, we (religious Jews that is) do pray for his coming three times a day.

    However, once he does come, then everyone else will realize their mistake.

    Actually, since, Jerry Falwell now sees the truth of the matter we can accept that his embarrassment at being wrong is sufficient “punishment” and leave it at that.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    Check out Cross Currents

    Now, make no mistake. Falwell openly says that he wants to persuade Jews to accept his messiah. But that does not make him a Jew hater. This is an extremely important point. I know that when I try to persuade my fellow-Jews to abandon their faith —secularism— and embrace mine —the Torah— it is not because I hate them. In the same vein, it is morally wrong to accuse Christians of Jew-hatred merely because they believe their own religion is true and want to persuade us, too. Evangelizing is NOT the moral equivalent of torturing Jews in the Inquisition, Falwell was NOT Torquemada, and the failure to make necessary distinctions results in a completely unfair and false stigmatizing of very good and decent people who mean us well.

  4. Of course this explain’s the EU’s attitude towards Israel. Did you ever truly think there was another cause? I didn’t.

    I did annd still do. People who think like that aren’t ib charge. Besides, would we have ratified a free-trade treaty with Israel otherwise, as well as provide support in other forms (like German armaments for the IDF, free of charge?).

  5. After I finished recording my segment, I pinwheeled my microphone and smashed my speakers.


    I just ate the hell out of that hamburger.

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