Kudos to Jewcy for major Suckage

Michael Weiss got two of the former Suck writers to appear in their Moveable Snipe feature, where two people email each other while taking apart five blogs.

If you can read this without laughing, you are a robot.

Does anyone use italics in the blogosphere better than Glenn Greenwald? I don’t think so, Tim, and I’m willing go to the mat on this. This guy gets it, you understand? In fact, sometimes he gets it with italics and bold. Just take a look at the long, indented paragraphs that run through his blog like, I don’t know, stink on rice (where is that Adderall?). Greenwald is the author of The New York Times bestseller How Would a Patriot Act? (yeah, I stopped reading too after “Times bestseller”) and the surefire forthcoming smash, Tragic Legacy, which will also savage George W. Bush. Finally, someone willing to take on an all-powerful president with approval ratings in the low 30s!

Too funny. Read it all, and Michael—mazel tov.

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