Nasrallah says: We can launch thousands more rockets per day

Hassan Nasrallah, the man second-most in need of a Hellfire missile up his ass (the first would be Mahmoud Ahmedinejad) says that Hizbullah can now fire thousands of rockets per day into Israel. Oh, and that they don’t really care about UNIFIL, because UNIFIL is impotent.

Hizbullah “could launch between 1000 and 3000 rockets daily,” its secretary general Hassan Nasrallah claimed in an interview with a Dubai statellite TV station last week.

Nasrallah’s comments were reproduced on Hizbullah’s Arabic language website on Saturday, under the heading: “We could launch… 3000 rockets daily in a war in July.”

During his interview, Nasrallah boasted that Hizbullah had amassed tens of thousands of rockets since the war last summer, adding that the international UNIFIL force stationed in southern Lebanon would be unable to stop Hizbullah from attacking Israel.

“When I said Hizbullah possesses more than 12 thousand missiles and then I said that we have more than 20 thousand rockets, this means that maybe we have 30 thousand or 80 thousand rockets or maybe more,” Nasrallah told the ‘Qalam Rasas’ program on Dubai Satellite TV.

It’s good to know that the enemy is so confident that they can dis the UN force on its southern border. But then, why not, when they can do things like this right under UNIFIL’s nose?

Over the weekend, Israel’s Channel Two reported that Hizbullah had planted its flag on the Israeli-Lebanese border, before it was removed by members of the UNIFIL force. After a number of confrontations between UNIFIL and Hizbullah, Hizbullah members again planted their flag on their border.

So let’s stop and remember why UNIFIL is there. Number one, to prevent smuggling of weapons. Didn’t do that. Two, stop Hizbullah from re-arming. Didn’t do that. Three, stop Hizbullah from regrouping on the southern border. Nope, didn’t do that, either.

So what exactly is UNIFIL there for?

Why, to get in the way of the IDF when Hizbullah starts firing rockets from positions right next to UNIFIL.

The next war is going to be very, very nasty.

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3 Responses to Nasrallah says: We can launch thousands more rockets per day

  1. Paul says:

    UNIFIL is impotent !!

  2. Eric J says:

    The Israeli government may need to start wondering out loud how many of those rockets would survive a nuke.

  3. Robert says:

    UNIFIL and the UN in general is an enemy of Israel. In the next war, Israel should treat them as such!

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