Windows, bite me

Can I just say, please, how very much Windows sucks?

Their freaking “automatic” updates are killing my computer, for the second month in a row.

The program chokes on my system for some reason, uses up all the CPU, causes my laptop fan to go bonkers, and slows down abso-fraggin-lutely everything. Just when I needed CPU time tonight, because I was doing something very important for Mother’s Day.

I hate Windows.

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6 Responses to Windows, bite me

  1. Paul says:

    Slow down Meryl. Take some deep breaths and smile. It’s going to be okay. :)

  2. Bob says:

    Meryl, get a Mac! You will never regret it. Life is too short. I’ll volunteer to be your personal consultant and technical support.

  3. I’ve thought about a Mac. Maybe next time. I’m having a lot of fun with podcasting and just bought a new digital camera that does good movies.

  4. This is one of the reasons I have my PC set to inform me about new updates, but don’t automatically download or install them. I don’t want to have Microsoft hit me with performance problems at random times.

    It’s also one of the reason I prefer to use my Mac whenever possible. :)

  5. The Doctor says:

    Hi, I’m a Mac, and I can do podcasting and use a digital camera and movies as good as any dumb ol’ PC in a cheap suit…

  6. Tatterdemalian says:

    I hope you haven’t upgraded to Windows Vista. It sends all sorts of information back to Microsoft on all digital media you have, even .gif and .jpg files, in the name of “digital rights management.”

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