More on ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem

As a fitting sequel to the bloodcurdling description of savage acts by the Zionists doing their best to empty Jerusalem of its Arab inhabitants, here comes a less emotional report by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies:

The growth rate of the Arab population in Jerusalem is almost double the growth rate of the Jewish population, data published by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies revealed.

Out of approximately 720,000 Jerusalem residents, the Jews constitute 66 percent of the population. According to the institute, if this trend continues, in 2020 the Jewish population will drop to 60 percent and the Arab population will reach 40 percent, and in 2035 it will reach 50 percent.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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3 Responses to More on ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem

  1. MizEllie says:

    For a group of people involved in an “ethnic cleansing” campaign, apparently we’re hella bad at it…..

  2. Yeah, when you compare the terrortories over the past forty years with, say, the population of Jews in Europe from 1941 to 1945, you find out that Jews really suck at ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    Imagine that.

  3. chsw says:

    Someone other than the haredim better get busy. At least the haredim are keeping the Jewish figures up.


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