Saturday catblogging


King Tig I


King Tig I

Definitely worthy of sitting on a throne.

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5 Responses to Saturday catblogging

  1. Rahel says:

    Now there’s a royal visit I’d turn out to see.

  2. Mog says:

    What a beautiful cat.

  3. Michael Lonie says:




  4. John M. says:

    Does her hair get matted? We have a new Main Coon and his hair is impossible.

  5. Sometimes his belly fur gets a mat or two, because, well, he’s fat. He can’t groom it properly. But I brush him fairly regularly.

    I also feed him the more expensive brands of cat food. It makes a HUGE difference in coat quality. (But he loves Meow Mix.)

    Does your cat groom himself often? Tig’s at it every day. That also makes a difference.

    Oh. And expect lots of hairballs.

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