Nine years smoke-free

Nine years ago today, I quit smoking.

And yes, I still miss it.

That is one hard-to-kick habit/addiction. But I’ve made it through nine years without going back, no matter what the world has thrown at me, so I think it’s safe to say I’ve beat it.

It’s a good thing I didn’t move here when I was still smoking. I’m in the heart of Phillip Morris country. They’re only just now getting around to banning smoking in many public areas. And their cigarette prices are only now reaching the price of cigarettes in NJ when I quit. (That part boggles my mind, how cheap tobacco still is around here.)

I figure by now, the money I’ve saved by not smoking has paid for my entire Jeep. Maybe more.

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7 Responses to Nine years smoke-free

  1. chsw says:

    I have told a couple of co-workers that they smoke a car payment each month. One of them listened. I’m still working on the other one. It may be obnoxious for me to give them a verbal push, but their insurance is on my budget.


  2. Anonymous says:

    I may now reveal that Great Big Company for which I worked the last three years before moving to Bigger City this week is in fact in the cigarette business; despite that only 5% of the HQ employees smoke and the leadership encouraged me to tell workers to quit if I thought it necessary [which I always did].

    I wish I had photo from holiday party 2004: “Welcome to XXX Holiday Party: No Smoking”

  3. The Doctor says:

    Note to self: using new computer in new location means it won’t have my screen name automatically when posting about tobacco company.
    Hulk smash puny windows-based box…

  4. You moved? I had no idea.

  5. The Doctor says:

    Yup…last week. I’m in Charm City now, resisting the urge to crab up.

  6. physics geek says:

    Congrats on the smoke-free anniversary.

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    Congratters on nine years. Hang in there. I quit and never went back (to a pipe) and I have the will power of a gerbil, so you can do it.

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