Unbiased media alert!

Grab your kids and hold them tight, the end of the world is nigh. I found an article on Mordecai Vanunu that does not call him a “whistleblower.”

An Israeli court has convicted a former nuclear technician of violating a gag order for speaking with foreign journalists.

The case goes back more than 20 years and exposed Israel’s nuclear secrets to the world.

Mordechai Vanunu was back in court, convicted of violating a court-imposed gag order by speaking with foreign journalists. Vanunu was also found guilty of attempting to leave Jerusalem through the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

In 1986 Vanunu was sentenced to eighteen years in prison after he gave an interview to a British newspaper detailing his duties at Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor, where he said Israel produced 40 kilograms of plutonium for use in hydrogen and neutron bombs. Since he was released from prison he has been banned from leaving Israel or speaking with foreigners.

And how did I find this gem?

Via this moron.

Israel persecutes nuclear whistleblower
The Israeli authorities continue to persecute Mordechai Vanunu, the man who revealed the country’s nuclear secrets in the Sunday Times 21 years ago. He spent 18 years in prison for blowing the whistle.

I’ll be damned. I just found the article’s source. It’s Reuters.

Mind you, there are all of ten stories on Google News without the word “whistleblower” used to describe Vanunu, but credit where it’s due.

That makes one story out of a zillion. If they keep this up, in twenty years, they’ll be—well, virtually unchanged.

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One Response to Unbiased media alert!

  1. John M says:

    Hmmm… How exactly is trying a person for a criminal offense “persecution”? Bizarre.

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