Abdullah to Israel: Destroy Israel for peace

Yet another call by yet another Arab leader for Israel to comply with the 2002 Saudi Initiative, which calls for the return of all Palestinian refugees to Israel. One-word answer: Shyeah.

Jordan’s King Abdullah on Thursday called on Israel to abandon the unilateral moves “which have failed” and enter negotiations with the Palestinians.

In a meeting with Knesset Speaker and Acting President Dalia Itzik in Amman, the king urged Israel to adopt the Arab peace initiative. According to Abdullah, his meeting with Itzik was part of the peace moves led by Jordan.

He called on Israel not to miss out on the opportunity for peace in the Middle East.

“As a first step to end the conflict with the Palestinians, Israel must recognize all the Palestinian rights, including the establishment of a Palestinian state,” he said.

The king also slammed the building of the separation fence and Jewish settlements and said “I want peace in our generation. I am worried about the next generations.”

Sure. Take down the fence, which is part of the reason that suicide bombings have gone down astronomically, and let the Palestinians who have lived in Jordan for the past 60 years—including their heirs, who have never been to Israel—come “back” to Israel. Because that will cause peace. Never mind the impact on Israelis, who would find themselves faced with war in their own backyard, but hey—it will solve Jordan’s Palestinian problem. What? Abdullah doesn’t have a Palestinian problem?


Once again, the Arabs are trying to dictated to Israel the terms of surrender after the Arabs lost the war. Because, gee, doesn’t everyone?

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2 Responses to Abdullah to Israel: Destroy Israel for peace

  1. Meanwhile, Abdullah of Jordan continues to fortify his own home… against the Palestinian population in his Kingdom: “Walls for me but not for thee!”

  2. Ed Hausman says:

    “As a first step to end the conflict with the Palestinians, Israel must recognize all the Palestinian rights, including the establishment of a Palestinian state,” he said.

    No, no, no, as a FIRST step to end the conflict, the Arabs must recognize all the Jewish and Israeli rights, including recognizing the State of Israel.

    No? Only the winner has to surrender?

    The sooner we throw them all out, the sooner they’ll give up the pretense, and go back to doing what they do best — destabilizing their own countries.

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