Christians murdered by Muslims worldwide…

and yet, the world blames Israel for the disappearance of Christians from the Middle East. Not the Muslims forcing the Christians out of Lebanon for the third decade. Not the Muslims murdering Christians in Gaza and the West Bank. Not the Saudis, whose laws make it illegal to worship Jesus while working in Saudi Arabia. Not the Iraqis, who are turning the Assyrian minority into modern-day dhimmi, complete with making them pay a jizya tax.

Assailants on Wednesday slit the throats of three employees of a publishing house that distributes Bibles, the latest in a series of attacks targeting Turkey’s small Christian minority.

Do you know how you die when your throat is slit? You effectively drown in your own blood. Not a pleasant way to go. But it’s the murder method of choice by the jihadis.

Local media said five suspects detained Wednesday were college students who were living at a residence that belongs to an Islamic foundation. Some of those suspects told investigators they carried out the killings to protect Islam, a Turkish newspaper reported.

“We didn’t do this for ourselves, but for our religion,” Hurriyet newspaper quoted one suspect as saying. “Our religion is being destroyed. Let this be a lesson to enemies of our religion.”

In Gaza, Muslims are blowing up Christian bookstores and attacking churches. Hamas burned down a YMCA last year, to no protests whatsoever—because it was “Christian.” In Egypt, Muslims burned down a house that was to be converted into a church. In Nigeria, Muslims murdered Christians and burned down their houses—in the name of being offended over the Mohammed cartoons. In Gaza, the Muslims burned down some more churches. It’s gotten so bad that Palestinian Christians have finally come out in public and said that they are being driven out of the territories by Musims.

Of course, the blame worldwide will go to Israel. Because why on earth would the world actually blame Muslims for persecuting Christians, even though the evidence is overwhelming?

Because if they did, they’d have to admit that Islam may not be that Religion of Peace™ it’s talked up to be.

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2 Responses to Christians murdered by Muslims worldwide…

  1. Ed Hausman says:

    “Palestinian Christians have finally come out in public and said that they are being driven out of the territories by Musims.”

    That’s the nicest thing the Muslims have ever done for them.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Pretty soon the only Middle Eastern state where Christians can live without being persecuted will be the Jewish one.

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