And never the twain shall meet

East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet.

Via Lair Simon, a Japanese potty training video. Spit-monitor warning. Put down the drinks. Don’t eat the food. Wow. Animated poo. No kidding. I swear. Honest. And it’s giggling.

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5 Responses to And never the twain shall meet

  1. Tor Hershman says:

    That needs a lill’ bit of moi’s
    “Beam A Poop,” go to website for the mp3.

  2. chsw says:

    LOL. When we toilet-trained our son, we read him a book (originally Japanese) called “Everybody Poops.” Same type of thing.


  3. Chris L. says:

    OK, that was bizarre.

    Now excuse me while go “shee pa pa.”

  4. LynnB says:

    Hey, this was one of my favorite books. It loses something in the translation, but in the original Hebrew (titled “Sir hasirim” – literally “pot of pots” – a pretty cute play on words) it was a great source of entertainment.

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