Okay, I’m an idiot

Poor Jay. I swamped him with emails about various directories because he put my WP files in a different directory than they were at the old hosting company, and I put the images directory in the wrong place, then I put it where he told me to, then it wasn’t working, then I remembered my archives directory (nearly four years of pre-WP files have to go somewhere!), then I remembered how to do that correctly, and then I still couldn’t call an image in the post about the whiny Palis, and then, finally, I tried doing that again and it worked (because I had—sigh—forgotten to call the image from the images directory, and may I say: Duh.). Um. I forgot where I was.

Oh. Poor Jay. Deluged with emails, and all of them concern things that I already figured out. Then, of course, I had to send him an email telling him I’d already figured everything out. Good thing it’s all gmail, which threads messages so that you can pretty much answer all six or seven emails at once.

There’s only one thing left to figure out, and I’m sure it’s a configuration thing at BlueHost, but it’s a pretty small thing to worry about. It just sends all of your comments to me with the physical name of my emailbox at BlueHost instead of your name, so I know who’s commenting without reading the comment.

Well, there’s that, plus the previous hosting service wants to delete my account a week before my year is up, and I don’t want to because I’m not finished being paranoid about having taken absolutely everything I needed to take off the site, and won’t be for another week. Which happens to be when my PAID hosting time is up. April 10th, baby, and that’s when you get to blow the old files away: Not a minute sooner.

I have two terabytes of monthly transfer with my new host, for four dollars less per month.

I do believe I may start running my own podcasts. Or posting videos.

I thought it was too small for me. I misread the ad at 2 gigabytes. No, it’s 2,000 gigabytes. Wow. Cat videos, here I come!

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4 Responses to Okay, I’m an idiot

  1. O.F. Jay says:

    You know I still love you, dear. Lemme look into that config thing with BH, may be something I don’t have power over. How about that?

    Tell yAr PrevNNious Hosting ServETTE that you want your prorated service fees back or soemthing.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Cat videos? Rahel will be ecstatic. It will be the next best thing to Gracie in person ignoring one’s atttempts to pet her.

  3. Rahel says:

    Michael, you’re absolutely right. Cat videos! Woo-hoo!

  4. chsw says:

    Cat vids? How about an entire menagerie doing Chad Gadya?


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